Lung problems often come along with MCTD, often enough that I was supposed to have had a pulmonary function test done years ago. I've yet to get one mostly because I haven't wanted to know. I feel okay lung wise and that's been good enough for me. To feel okay, but then get a test result saying things aren't as okay as I think they are is an idea that kinda scares me. Sure there are times where I develop a cough for a few days after a difficult physical effort, but it doesn't really bothered me too much. Just one of the several weird things my body does?
This year I'm stepping things up again for cycling events. I'm going to do the Crusher again and I'm adding the Iron Horse Classic and Park City Point 2 Point to the list. All involve lots of climbing at high elevation. You know, nice lung burners!
The past couple weeks I've been browsing the web again for excerpts of books and research papers with info about MCTD. The information about lungs has been sticking out this time around, probably because of my upcoming summer of pedaling up hills. From what I've gathered there's up to an 80% chance I have or will develop one of the following: pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis, or interstitial lung disease. It doesn't look like there's anything that can be done to prevent or cure them, only slow them down. I guess I should finally get the test of these days.
I plan to keep riding my bikes and signing up for ridiculous events as long as I can. One benefit to the prospect of losing lung capacity? My bike rides have become that much sweeter knowing its an activity that could end sooner than I'd care for. Lungs, using them before I end up losing them!
...maybe it's time to start learning how to ride a motorcycle as well, just in case...