Monday, December 12, 2011


The Utah cyclocross season is coming to an end this Saturday. I was introduced to the sport four years ago by my friend Ethan. I had never heard about it before and over the past four years I've found that most people don't know what 'cross is. It's hard to really explain what it is. I mean I can tell you some of the background legend about how it started, I can tell you the rules of how it works, but all that doesn't really explain what it is to me and why I enjoy it so much. If you are really curious about that other stuff, Wikipedia does a decent job of explaining the nuts and bolts.

What I love about 'cross:

It doesn't matter if its hot, cold, dry, snowing, raining, the race is never cancelled. In fact poor weather conditions are considered a good thing in 'cross. The worse the course conditions the more fun it is. The worse the weather the more fun it is. I used to dread seeing a bad weather forecast for a Fall weekend. Now. I can hardly contain my excitement when I see rain or snow on a Saturday!

'Cross racers don't quit. I love that! I have races like a few weeks ago at Wheeler Farm where I feel awesome. My legs have strength. My body has energy. I can try and chase people down or try and stay ahead of my nearest competitor. I can race! Then there are races like the one the following week at Mount Ogden where it was all I could do to pedal around the course. My legs have no strength. My body has no energy. I'm not able to chase anyone down or stay ahead of my nearest competitor, but I have to be there. 'Cross racers don't quit.

The people. I've especially enjoyed having a Clydesdale category (over a certain weight, 210 lbs this year) to race with. Its a small group which I think has helped us get to know each other better. Its a great group of guys. We all want to do well and try our hardest to be the ahead of the others across the finish line, but its a friendly competition. I like that.

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