Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Meh, It'll Go Away

The first sign that something wasn't right happened on a Martin Luther King Jr. weekend roadtrip with some friends. I woke up Saturday morning feeling really sore, but wrote it off to the basketball game the day before. The next day I was still sore and the next and the next and...

Three months of being sore later I was still thinking, well I'm not sure what this is but I'm sure it'll go away. Things were getting noticeably worse. If I was sitting on the floor it was almost impossible for me to get up again, I'd have to do this rock a bit and then roll to my knees and push up all the time keeping the momentum going. Just standing up was impossible. Trying to put on a button up shirt was a joke, especially the top buttons. Then there were my hands. I'm not a terribly strong person, never lifted weights, never worked out, but I had always had a really strong grip, impeccable penmanship...I had amazing hands! Now. I couldn't curl a hand into a fist without the assistance of my other hand, my hand strength was gone. It was hard to hold a pen yet alone write anything, my impeccable penmanship was gone.

I was nervous about going to the doctor. I remember it as a mix of fear that nothing was wrong and I was just being pathetically weak and a fear that something might actually be wrong and I was too young to have health problems. I heard another guy in my apartment complex mention that he had recently been diagnosed with arthritis. For whatever reason that broke down the barrier of my fear to go see a doctor. I made an appointment with my family doctor. He said that it was possible to get temporary arthritis symptoms and that's probably all it was but he'd run some blood tests anyhow. A couple days later his office called with the blood test results..."you need to go see a Rheumatologist"....


  1. Hi Wes,

    I had a very similar experience prior to being diagnosed with MCTD. I had been rock climbing and racing with multiple bilateral injuries in the form of very sore joints for about 6 months. I figured if I took some down time, stretched, got massage and acupuncture, it would eventually go away but it never did. I actually had a bilateral scope on my knees and they found nothing! I finally realized there was something systemically wrong so I visited Dr. Max Testa in SLC for some labs. My labs came back low positive for ANA and RNP but everything else was normal. I made an appointment with a rheumatologist and was quickly diagnosed with MCTD after some additional labs. As an athlete I was not willing to accept this diagnosis, and all the toxic drugs that come along with it, so I got a second and third opinion from other rheumatologists--both told me they do not think I have MCTD and I need to wait and see if goes away. Six months later I am better, but still very sore. Additionally my labs have changed and my RNP is the only thing that comes up positive. I would really like to compare notes with you and find out what is working for you. This disease seems to be rare for healthy young males and it is helpful to see that you are managing to lead a very active life despite this disease. Thank you!

    1. Unfortunately I do have to be on some medication that I'd really rather not be. I've tried tapering off...I have to be on it. MCTD doesn't seem to be a real cut and dry diagnosis. I've spent almost 10 years now reading what I can find online and following forums (which tend to be dreadfully depressing). There are a wide range of manifestations. I live in the SLC area. I'd be happy to meet up any time.
